Product overview:
Gemmotherapy MaceratesGemmotherapy uses the extracts of fresh buds, young shoots, rootlets, or saps from developing plants, where the plant s life essence is at its peak in the young growths. UNDA Gemmotherapy remedies are prepared in a natural glycerin and organic ethanol medium, which is then filtered and potentized at a 1/10th dilution
(1X Hahnemannian) in a pure water, natural glycerin and organic ethanol medium.
These complex remedies are macerated for increased patient compliance.
This methodology captures the most complete set of highly-concentrated active constituents necessary for tissue regeneration, favourable growth development and essential drainage properties.
UNDA Gemmotherapy facilitates Biotherapeutic Drainage and is an excellent adjunct to the UNDA Numbered Compounds.The Concept of Gemmotherapy
The concept of Gemmotherapy encompasses the basis of natural medicine and the fundamental principles of homeopathic medicine as founded by Samuel Hahnemann:
1. First, do no harm.
2. The body is capable of self-regulation.
3. Physiology prevails over pathology.
4. Restoring the physiology is essential to healing the pathology.
5. The four pillars of health must be also taken into account with equal value: diet, elimination, psychological equilibrium, balanced hereditary characteristics.How Gemmotherapy Works
The main actions of Gemmotherapy are to:1. Facilitate the detoxification of the system
2. Aid in tissue regeneration via their active constituents
3. Favour growth development via active ingredients (Gibberelin)
4. Encourage toxin elimination towards the emunctories by acting as biochemical remedies
5. Encourage proper functioning of the organs so that the organism can send toxins to the emunctories. Gemmotherapy is not true drainage.
They can be used alone or as a starting point to enable other therapies to work more effectively. (Greaves, 2002). Naturopathic therapies are designed to help relieve toxic burden from the body.
Many of these therapies are time consuming, costly and labor intensive.
They also may invoke a healing crisis.
This is rarely seen with Gemmotherapy.HarvestingUNDA uses only fresh embryonic tissues (young shoots, rootlets and buds) that are harvested in their most active phase of the growth cycle in the spring.
The herbs are wild-crafted and harvested in Belgium.