European Combination Homeopathic
So there are several types of Homeopathic remedies. There are classical single remedy 'similimum' remedies (which are based on the totality of your symptom profile). This requires extensive case taking called repertorization using a homeopathic materia medica, which in expert hands will determine the exact profile match suited for you. Then there are what I call Health Food single low dose homeopathic first aid remedies. These 2 types of homeopathy are most well known. The third predominant type of homeopathic remedies is combination homeopathic remedies where multiple homeopathically prepared ingredients are combined in a formula to provide synergistic benefit. These remedies are based on a 'tradition of use' of the individual ingredients. I excel in the use of combination homeopathic remedies. This class of remedies are sometimes referred to as 'serial homeopathy'. I am happy to assist you with finding the right combination remedy for you. Dr. Hale note: It is often the case that Classical single remedy homeopaths may not be in agreement with the use of combination remedies. Combination remedies are a later evolution of homeopathy in a field of natural medicine sometimes referred to as German Biological Medicine. This is a well established field.