Nr. 8 Hepatik: Aloe 3x, Agrimony 3x, Anagallis 3x, Carduus marianus 2x, Cichorium intybus 2x, Cichorium raidx 2x, Chelidonium majus 2x, Chelidonium radix 2x, Hepatica tirloba 3x, Quassia amara 2x, Tarasacum 2x, Alcohol 50.6%
Nr. 9 Lymphatik: Guaiacum officinalis 1x, Juglans cinerea 2x, Santalum 1x, Sarsaparilla 2x, Thuja occidentalis 2x, Alcohol 62.9%
Nr. 16 Renalin: Betula 3x, Thlaspi bursae pastoris 2x, Equisetum 3x, Garminis 2x, Ononidis 2x, Petroselenium 2x, Petroselenium radix 2x, Sarothamnus scoparium 3x, Uva ursi 2x, Virgaurcea 2x,Alcohol 29.3%
* All ingredients spagyrically prepared making them highly concentrated, bioavailable and non-toxic.
Plants + Herbs Used
The following medicinal plants and herbs were hand-picked at certain times of the day where energetic qualities are greatest. No machines were used in the harvesting and cultivation of these natural ingredients. Plants + Herbs come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens in Averara, Italy (Italian Alps).
Nr. 8 Hepatik: Pimpernel Herb, Aloe, Bitterwood, Liverwort Herb, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Agrimony, Celandine, Chicory
Nr. 9 Lymphatik: Pock-wood, Red Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla Root, Thuja Herb, Walnut Leaves
Nr. 16 Renalin: Barberry leaves, Broom blossoms with colloidal copper solution D1, Birch leaves, Goldenrod herb, Restharrow herb and root, Shepherd s purse, Parsley fruits and root, Courch grass rootstock, Horsetail herb