Pekana Homeopathics Spagyric Remedies Overview AILGENO - Support and benefit for spleen diseases, stimulation and detoxification of the spleen and liver, and promoting a healthy metabolism. This medication also regulates the function of the digestive organs, which in turn stimulate the entire intestinal tract. In addition, this preparation enables the body to dissolve chronic toxic deposits that have accumulated in the spleen and other organs. May be indicated for patients with severe illnesses. AKUTUR - Acute urological infections are frequently caused by a systemic infection manifested in the urological tract, while chronic cystitis results from an impaired metabolism that accompanies old age or a prostate infection. This medication eliminates the underlying cause of cystitis, nephritis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelonephritis, urethritis and neuralgia vesicae while also addressing symptoms such as weakness, burning sensations and painful urination. apo-DOLOR - Support and benefit for migraines, headaches, muscle pain and joint pain. This remedy is highly effective against headaches caused by nervous tension, emotional stress or stomach and intestinal dysbiosis. apo-ENTERIT - Support and benefit for diarrhea, abdominal cramps, portal vein stagnation and inflammation of the intestinal tract caused by infections and food poisoning. apo-HEPAT - The primary remedy for stimulating and regulating vital metabolic liver functions, which include the indispensable duties of excretion, detoxification and phagocytosis. This medication also regulates gallbladder and pancreatic function. In addition, practitioners should always prescribe apo-HEPAT drops to support key liver functions whenever chronic illnesses are present or to prevent their onset. apo-INFEKT- Support and benefit for general bacterial and viral infections. This biological antimicrobial medication also stimulates the immune system to eliminate pathogens and toxins that can block proper metabolism. Its antibacterial qualities are essential for supporting acute infections of the intestines, bladder, kidneys, bronchials and other organs. All pus-producing infections, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis and otitis media indicate the need for apo-INFEKT drops, which also stimulate the lymphatic system and support accompanying fever and weakness. Increasingly resistant microbes make this medication extremely important. apo-OEDEM - Support and benefit for different forms of edemas, including cardial, hepatic, renal and lymphatic. This remedy also helps relieve swollen ankles due to water retention, abdominal bloating and venous stasis. apo-PULM expectorant syrup - Support and benefit for bronchial infections and congestion with thick, difficult to expectorate mucus such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, dry coughs and rhinitis with watery secretion. This preparation reduces irritation and promotes expectoration of mucus that obstructs the breathing passageways. apo-RHEUM - Resolves painful, inflammatory sensations caused by soft tissue rheumatism. This medication supports gout, muscular pain and inflammation, neck stiffness, joint pain and neuralgia. apo-STOM - supports afflictions of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates stomach function, including proper acid regulation and stomach secretion. This medication also eliminates the underlying causes of stomach overacidity, gastritis, gastroenteritis, stomach pressure and cramps and burning sensations. In addition, it supports Leaky Gut syndrome, a condition that can cause distant symptoms. For example, acute conditions such as rhinitis and sinusitis always involve gastro-intestinal tract dysfunction, and cannot be permanently eliminated without addressing the underlying cause and systemic intoxification. apo-STRUM - Support and benefit for thyroid dysfunction. This medication reduces the tightness and pressure in the thyroid gland, regulates heart function damaged by a toxic thyroid condition and combats hardening and thickening of the thyroid gland. In addition it hinders increased goiter size, addresses nervous weakness, tremors and a general emotional or depressed mood, as well as pressure and tightness in the gland. This preparation also helps support cardiac disorders that frequently accompany thyroid dysfunction, including tachycardia, extrasystole, feeling of tightness and shortness of breath during physical activity. apo-TUSS - A natural antimicrobial indicated for supporting coughs, bronchitis, grippal or mucosal inflammation, asthma, whooping cough, croup, pharyngitis, laryngitis and hoarseness. BRONCHI-PERTU - Support and benefit for asthma, whooping cough, laryngitis, coughs with stabbing pains and emphysema. This medication loosens mucous membrane congestion, eliminates accompanying spasms and stimulates excretion of toxins that cause symptoms such as dry cough with stabbing pains and pus, emphysema and headaches. CANGUST - Preventative supportment, or follow-up therapy following a heart attack, must complement the glycoside effects, but not interfere with required allopathic drugs. In addition, the therapy should enable the patient to reduce the dosage of prescribed drugs over time. CANGUST drops provide anti-inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic properties that help prevent coronary insufficiency and sclerosis, but so not disrupt drug therapies. This remedy also prevents hyper-acidification of the heart muscle, making it valuable for prophylaxis of a heart attack. CARDINORMA - Support and benefit for cardiac insufficiency, heart muscle weakness, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, extrasystole, tachycardia, cardiac spasms. This medication also specifically improves circulation of the coronary vessels, increases O2 utilization and helps the body deal with exogenic intoxification and other underlying causes of heart disease, making it a useful adjuvant therapy for supporting severe cases or elderly patients. CARDINORMA drops protect the heart from damage due to acute or chronic illnesses. CITRIPLUS - For proper acid-base balance and energy enhancement CLAUPAREST - Circulatory disturbances can cause a wide variety of symptoms that range from numbness, cramps and tingling sensations to gangrenous processes. CLAUPAREST drops help eliminate these underlying circulatory disruptions, whether caused by injuries, metabolic anomalies or cramps triggered by psychological or somatic reasons. As a result, this medication allows the body to restore its self-regulation capabilities and function properly again. co-HYPERT - This medication reduces and controls high blood pressure, particularly in cases where no easily recognizable cause can be diagnosed. coro-CALM - A cardiac sedative for supporting tachycardia and disrupted circulatory functions, as well as anxiety, fear, worry and psychic unrest that frequently accompany these conditions. This medication is indicated for cardiac preinsufficiency, spastic cardialgia with radiation, nervous and agitated state of the heart, pulse anomalies, arrhythmia, extrasystole and cardiac neurosis. In addition, it regulates blood pressure, improves oxygen utilization and helps heal focal damage in the heart muscle. coro-CALM drops also improve breathing to help eliminate fear and nausea that may accompany circulatory anomalies, and assists gastroenterocardial regulation processes necessary to eliminate heart neurosis. Elderly women frequently benefit from this preparation. DALEKTRO N - Contains homeopathic minerals that normalize regulation of the electrolyte system and stimulate enzyme activity. These homeopathic minerals differ from standard mineral supplements by acting as vital catalysts that activate profound chemical changes to help return a chronically ill body to health. They also provide a unique stimulant that enables the body to utilize trace elements present in the digestive tract and replace those missing at the cellular level. DEFAETON - Regulates proper intestinal function and works as a gentle laxative to relieve acute and chronic constipation. This remedy also supports spastic colic and nervous indigestion. DERCUT - Support and benefit for a wide variety of skin diseases including acne, psoriasis, eczema, herpes, herpes zoster, itching dermatitis, impetigo, carbuncles and furuncles. As a rule, skin disorders result from an internal intoxification that overwhelms the body's excretion abilities. Local application of this medication stimulates healing by supporting the body's immune defense mechanisms and excretion processes. It also stimulates an impaired lymphatic system, clears interstitial infections and septic processes, and works as an anti-inflammatory. DEMYC - Topical drops combine proven homeopathic and spagyric substances known for their strong disinfectant and healing capabilities, providing a biological therapy that acts as a fungicide and restores the skin. Depending on the type of mycotic infection (hair, skin or nail), use of DEMYC topical drops should be accompanied by a combination of OPSONAT, HABIFAC and TOXEX because mycotic pathogens often will exploit weaknesses on the mucous membranes. FERRODONA - Support and benefit for anemia, regeneration of cells following blood loss and prevention of iron deficiency. FORMIPLUS - For arthritic and rheumatic conditions, and support of allergy supportment. GLAUTARAKT - Support and benefit for glaucoma, cataracts and weak vision. Helps reverse degenerative conditions, including disturbed circulation to the eyes, inflammation of the iris and cornea, sclerotic vessels and cloudy vision. GLUCORECT - Regulates blood sugar levels and supports metabolic disturbances that lead to diabetes. This remedy also addresses intestinal dysfunction, dysfermentation of the liver, colic, insulin secretion and diabetic ulcers. HABIFAC - Recurrent acute and chronic illness due to genetic or "constitutional" influences indicate a continuous toxic burden that the body is unable to eliminate. HELMIN - Parasites, worms, and intestinal distress INFLAMYAR - Support and benefit for sports injuries, sprains, bruises, joint problems, muscle strains and acute and chronic inflammation. INFLAMYAR OINTMENT - Support and benefit for sports injuries, sprains, bruises, joint problems, muscle strains and acute and chronic inflammation. ITIRES - Eliminates local and systemic inflammation of the lymphatic tissues, helps reduce swollen glands and promotes the efficient flow of the lymph. Pathogenic conditions that require this medication include lymphatic infections and blockages, swollen nodes, acute infections of the organs and mucous membranes, all pus-producing infections (bronchitis, tonsillitis), mumps, adenoma, mastopathy, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm. ITIRES OINTMENT- Eliminates local and systemic inflammation of the lymphatic tissues, helps reduce swollen glands and promotes the efficient flow of the lymph. Pathogenic conditions that require this medication include lymphatic infections and blockages, swollen nodes, acute infections of the organs and mucous membranes, all pus-producing infections (bronchitis, tonsillitis), mumps, adenoma, mastopathy, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm. JUVE-CAL - Restorative and rejuvenating remedy for adults and children KELAN - Ointment for topical supporting scars and keloids. KLIFEM - For holistic supporting climacteric symptoms, including delayed and irregular menstruation, tendency to obesity, emotional instability, missed periods, menopausal flush, breast tenderness, hot flashes and night sweats. LacticPlus - Promotes a healthy biological terrain (acid-base balance) and stimulates proper metabolism. MUCAN - Support and benefit for local and systemic mycotic infections, including Candida, Mucor and Aspergillus infestation. This medication also restores a healthy internal (biological) terrain that has been severely altered by incorrect nutrition, toxins or drugs. MUNDIPUR - For elimination of toxic waste products lodged in the tissues and organs. This excretion medication alleviates symptoms that accompany a slowed or derailed metabolism, such as increased mineralization of the body, tendencies toward infections, and concrement build-up that inhibits proper organ function. It also stimulates the drainage of metabolic waste products, supports inflammation of the mucous membranes and breathing tract, regulates and stimulates intestinal excretion, combats gout and rheumatism that accompanies cellulite development, and eliminates uric acid deposits. In general, this remedy provides a mild, long-term form of excretion that is well-tolerated by even chronic and elderly patients. NEU-regen - Support and benefit for mental, emotional and physical exhaustion, including psychological conditions such as fear of failure, depression, irritability, memory loss and sleeplessness. This restorative tonic also promotes proper organ function and helps energetically balance the body through gentle regulation. OKOUBAKA - Support and benefit for gastroenteritis, intestinal infections and diarrhea. It also stimulates the excretion of mycotic toxins and detoxification of the intestines. OPSONAT - Indispensable for healing severe acute infections and chronic illnesses, this medication eliminates clinically-manifested or latent infections -- including focal infections -- that play a key role in the development of pathogenic conditions. It also supports inflammation of the inner mucosa, tissues and organs, detoxifies the joints and restores the mucous membranes to proper working order. In addition, OPSONAT drops clear the terrain of toxic wastes and stimulate the body's own systemic regulation. May be indicated for supporting severe cases. OSS-REGEN - For osteoporosis, ostitis, proper bone healing and prevention of degenerative bone disease. OTIDOLO - For external supporting ear infection and inflammation, otitis external and otitis media. PLEVENT - Blood tests reveal that many patients have a significant anomaly in their cholesterine-lipid metabolism. These aberrations are the physiological prerequisite for degenerative development in the entire body, leading to illnesses such as arteriosclerosis, concrement burden rheumatic-inflammatory-degenerative processes, diabetes, precancerous conditions and cancer if intestinal dysfunction is not restored to normal. Reversing this degeneration depends to a great extent upon the energy, environment, genetic disposition, attitude and lifestyle of the patient. In addition, PLEVENT drops can help return a patient to health by promoting proper fat metabolism and stimulating renal excretion to remove harmful metabolic waste products. PROALLER - Support and benefit for a wide variety of allergies, including hypersensitivity to house dust, foods, antibiotics, metals and animal hair; hay fever; conjunctivitis and irritation of the eyes and ears; and skin allergies such as atrophic eczema and neurodermatitis. Allergies indicate an extensive intoxification, blocked enzymatic processes and a general disruption of the metabolism. Although the type of allergy varies from patient to patient, each represents the body's attempt to excrete excessive toxins via an alternative pathway because the primary organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs) have reached the saturation point. This medication also stimulates liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract functions. This medication plays a major role in cleansing the tissues and blood to help the body excrete toxins that can lead to the development of allergies. PROSCENAT- supports prostate infections and helps relieve painful urination. This medication can also help prevent or resolve the development of adenoma that results from a chronic inflammatory condition. PSY-stabil - Provides a harmonizing therapy to relieve emotional stress, anxiety, lack of concentration, restlessness and nervous exhaustion. RADINEX - For defending the body against the effect of radiation. Helps detoxyfy electro-magnetic frequencies from the connective tissue matrix. RENELIX - Supports the excretion of concrement deposited in the kidney cells and helps restore normal kidney function. Proper function of the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system are a prerequisite for an effective immune response, as well as efficient excretion of toxins that accompany bacterial and viral infections. This medication is always indicated when an elevated level of uric acid is diagnosed. RICURA - A biological antimicrobial medication indicated for supporting acute and chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, as well as inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This preparation supports local pathogenic conditions, activates the mucous membranes to aid excretion of toxins and stimulates a natural immune response to systemic intoxification (frequently expressed locally as rhinitis or sinusitis). It also helps prevent infections from spreading to other parts of the head, such as the ears. SEPTONSIL - This antimicrobial medication is indicated for supporting acute and chronic sore throat, tonsillitis, pus-producing throat infections and fever. It also ensures speedy drainage of accumulated toxins that trigger the body's local immune response in the tonsils and throat. SOMCUPIN - Support and benefit for insomnia. This medication deals directly with both psychic and physical factors that can lead to sleep disturbances. It acts as a natural sedative, supports disruptions of the nervous system, calms shattered nerves, addresses depression and melancholy and eliminates sleeplessness caused by abuse of substances such as coffee, tea or tobacco. SPECI-CHOL - Support and benefit for functional disturbances of the pancreas, including reduced secretion of digestive enzymes and insufficient production of the hormones insulin and glucagon. SUPREN - Stimulates proper hormone production, while also detoxifying, strengthening and stimulating the adrenal glands. THUJA - Minimizes adverse acute and chronic vaccination stress reactions. TOXEX - Stimulates excretion of endogenic and exogenic toxins, including foci, pathogens and toxic deposits and heavy metals such as mercury from amalgam fillings. It also provides antibacterial properties, activates the immune response, cleanses the body fluids, stimulates the lymphatic system and mucous membranes and eliminates pathogenic processes. UPELVA - For relief of painful menstruation. VISCUM - supports nervous system disorders, and resolves cardiac and circulatory disturbances by restoring proper regulation. Mistletoe is also specifically used as an adjuvant cancer therapy, and in the supporting other chronic illnesses that involve severe metabolic disruptions. ZELLULISAN - For relief of acute and chronic tendonitis, and detoxification of the connective tissue. Helps eliminate lymphatic stagnation and the build-up of toxic waste deposits that contribute to cellulite in women. |