The Five Element Acupuncture Tradition
For patients who also would like to become Five Element Acupuncture patients - there is an additional $500 access to treatment annual fee. A minimum of 5 initial Five Element Acupuncture treatments are required per week. Each treatment will last 1.5 to 2 hrs and the cost is $250 per treatment. Five Element style acupuncture is unique among all the styles of acupuncture in that you are treated at a core constitutional level. It is NOT a symptomatic type of acupuncture. IF you are on a spiritual path in life or desire to be then this type of acupuncture is for you.
I will be posting more information on this wonderful modality in the near future. This information was well represented on our office website which was recently taken down by a database virus...and which we are in the process of rebuilding.