Rubimedâ ¢ is a revolutionary natural healing modality from Europe that combines ancient healing knowledge with modern complementary medicine and psychology. Introduced into North America over a decade ago, the Rubimedâ ¢ remedies have been clinically proven to resolve negative health effects of psychological trauma, anxiety and stress.
Fundamental understanding of Rubimedâ ¢ and Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is derived from the knowledge that a harmonious and free-flowing energy system is important for mental, emotional and physical health.
Decades of research lead German physician, Dr. Reimar Banis, to develop technology that can be utilized in a clinical setting to identify the draining energetic influences and emotional conflicts that are believe to be causal in disease. The appropriate Rubimedâ ¢ therapy serves to resolve the depleting energetic influences and begins a holistic self-healing process.
Experience the success of this family of natural remedies for emotional issues.
Dr. Reimar Banis, German physician and researcher, brings a new understanding to the way of thinking about sickness and health with the revolutionary healing modality of Rubimedâ ¢.
Dr. Banis has taken centuries-old chakra and aura theories and put them into the modern day context of biophysics, homeopathy and psychology. This led to the establishment of Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) and the Rubimedâ ¢ remedies.
According to PSE, subtle energy flows through the body and is the source of health, vitality and well-being. Illness is associated with emotional trauma that becomes repressed into the subconscious and stored in the human subtle energy field. Unresolved, these unconscious emotional conflicts lead to a reduced flow of energy that contributes to physical, mental and/or emotional disorders.
Rubimedâ ¢ therapy is used for healing past emotional trauma. Rubimedâ ¢ therapy entails a systematic approach using applied kinesiology testing methods and the Rebaâ ¢ Device to determine the active emotional conflict and appropriate remedies for its resolution. The Rubimedâ ¢ remedies include the Chavitaâ ¢ remedies for the chakras with their corresponding Emvitaâ ¢ remedies for the emotional conflicts, which are usually prescribed as pairs. In addition, there are remedies for geopathy and acute conditions. For a full description and understanding of all 40 Rubimedâ ¢ remedies, refer to the Rubimedâ ¢ Practitioner Guide.
The Rebaâ ¢ Device measures an individualâ s energy levels, corresponding to physical, emotional, mental and causal states of health. The Rebaâ ¢ Device is versatile and can also be used for organ testing, food sensitivity testing and testing the compatibility of other remedies including supplements and pharmaceuticals.
A two year study conducted in 10 European clinics with 1002 cases showed an 86.5% success rate using the Rubimedâ ¢ remedies for resolving anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, pain, adrenal burnout, sleep disorders, autonomic dysfunctions, respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions, allergies, hormonal disorders, skin conditions and stress.
Thousands of health care practitioners have utilized this healing modality in Europe for over two decades. Introduced to North America over 10 years ago, Rubimedâ ¢ has become the essential tool in complementary medicine practices to resolve depleting energetic influences and begin a holistic self-healing process.
Note: These Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These remedies are not meant to treat any disease or condition. Please consult your physician.
What can Rubimed Therapy do for you? Practitioner Testimonials:
Take Back Control When Anxiety Stress and Depression Strike - Rubimed Public Lecture