Calcarea Fluorica 6x 100t/Schuessler is available by Seroyal/Unda.
Calcarea Fluorica tissue salt acts on the surface of the bones, teeth, elastic tissues such as tendons, the skin, the lens of the eye and the vascular walls.
This tissue salt is indicated in conditions such as bone caries, deficient tooth enamel, hyperlaxity of the ligaments, uterine fibromas, prolapsed organs, varicose veins and aneurysms.
100 Tablets
Cell Salt
For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with cracking of joints and joint pain.
Each tablet contains:
Calcarea Fluorica 6X
(Calcium Fluoride)
Made in Belgium
Calcarea fluorica is found on the surface of bones, enamel of the teeth, elastic tissues (tendons), skin, lens, and in the vascular walls. Silicea is often used as a complementary remedy in the case of demineralization and suppuration. Silicea is often used as a complementary remedy in the case of demineralization and suppuration.
Exostosis and bone caries (in association with Calcarea
Prolapse, ptosis
Fibroma of the uterus, nodes and indurated scars
Lumbago (aggravated by rest, cold and humidity; relieved
by motion, dry warmth and friction)
Cracking of joints and joint pain
Irregularities of the periosteum (exostosis, thickening of the
tendon attachment, craniotables)
Pathological anomalies of the circulatory system (aneurysm,
haemorrhoids, varicose veins, aortitis)
Relaxation of the suspension ligaments, leading to ptosis
Slackness of the ligaments causing susceptibility for sprains
Relaxation of synovial membranes, leading to the formation
of cysts
Tooth enamel deficiency and loose teeth
The eye lens gets turbid, causing cataract
The skin shows tendency to fissures; keratosis
Sensitivity to damp cold

As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product.
Keep this and all drugs out of reach of children.
In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center.