Science and/or the Traditional Use of Formula and Ingredients
Discussion for educational purposes only
RENELIX drops support the excretion of concrement (protein concretions, calculi) and toxins deposited in the kidney cells, and helps restore normal kidney function.
RENELIX drops also help counteract intoxification through aging or illnesses that weaken metabolic processes, which can result in hypertonia, diabetes or precancerous conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism.
Finally, this remedy helps regulate toxic blockades in chronically ill patients, which allows systemic healing to take place.
Causes of renal insufficiency include protracted use of pain killers that can devastate kidney tissues, alcohol abuse, foci and mercury intoxification from amalgam fillings.
Homeopathic-spagyric herbs such as Apis, Berberis and Solidago contained in RENELIX drops have a specific affinity for the kidney cells and therefore help stimulate proper function and excretion of harmful toxins.
In addition, genetic defects such as polycystic kidneys play an important role, and may ultimately lead to renal failure. Since other organs such as the liver and pancreas must compensate for renal insufficiency -- leading to a chain reaction that can produce coronary weakness and hypertension -- aggressive treatment with RENELIX drops and complementary medications is imperative.
Tradtional Homeopathic usage of ingredients:
Benzoicum acidum - 4X - uric acid diathesis
Nitricum acidum - 4X - urinary tract infections
Apis mellifica - 4X - edema, joint infections
Berberis vulgaris - 3X - uric acid excretion
Colchicum autumnale - 4X - gout, kidney excretion
Thlaspi bursa-pastoris - 1X - metabolic insufficiency, kidney stones
Coccus cacti - 1X - stimulates and disinfects kidneys
Solidago virgaurea - 1X - renal function, sedimented urine
Benzoicum acidum 4X resolves uric acid diathesis -- often accompanied by a strong rheumatic burden -- to eliminate conditions that weaken the heart.
Nitricum acidum 4X treats infections of the mucous membranes and urinary tract. It also regulates the functions of the urological pathways and eliminates symptoms that include frequent urination and foul-smelling urine accompanied by a burning sensation.
Apis mellifica 4X treats edema and infectious conditions of the joints. It also stimulates and detoxifies the tonsillar ring, connective tissues, intestines, serous membranes, bladder and kidneys to facilitate a systemic healing.
Berberis vulgaris 3X addresses pathogenic conditions of the liver and urological pathways. It supports the excretion of uric acid from the system and reduces liver and pancreas intoxification -- the basis of illnesses such as gout and diabetes.
Colchicum autumnale 4X is primarily indicated for the treatment of gout. This herb also fights endocarditis and pericarditis, regulates the gastrointestinal system to stop nausea, vomiting and overacidity and helps heal acute and subacute rheumatic conditions. In addition, eliminating these conditions helps detoxify the body and enables the kidneys to excrete poisons that have accumulated over the years.
Thlaspi bursa-pastoris 1X helps treat metabolic insufficiency reflected by the build-up of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. The strong stimulative effect provided by this herb can even make catheter use unnecessary.
Coccus cacti 1X disinfects and stimulates the kidneys while providing anti-spastic properties. It also helps heal chronic latent infections that reduce kidney efficiency.
Solidago virgaurea 1X is a classic kidney remedy that effectively treats chronic nephritis and arthritis. It is indicated for treatment of painful urination and urine thick with stones, gravel, protein or blood. The stimulative effect on the kidneys is so great that using a catheter often becomes unnecessary.
Traditionally these homeopathic remedies are indicated for:
Chioanthus virginica - 2X - dysfermentation of the liver
Iberis amara - 6X - heart irregularities
Lycopodium clavatum - 4X - eliminates metabolic waste
Mandragora e rad. sicc. - 4X - spastic constipation
Phosphorus - 10X - acute liver dysfunction, ulcers
Boldo - 1X - gallbladder stimulant
Cynara scolymus - 1X - dyspepsia, hepatogenic gastritis
Taraxacum - 1X - cleans renal and liver system
Chioanthus virginica 2X resolves upper stomach ailments, vegetative dystonia (autonomic nervous system dysfunction) and dysfermentation of the liver and pancreas. In addition, this herb eliminates colic (painful spasms) and has a systemic effect that helps prevent migraines. It also addresses rheumatic processes and inflammation in the hepatic area.
Iberis amara 6X benefits the heart muscle and coronary vessels, and improves peripheral circulation. It eliminates gastro-hepatic disruptions with symptoms that include intestinal pain and cramps.
Lycopodium clavatum 4X helps eliminate metabolic waste products and stimulates the excretion of excess cholesterin. Without proper excretion of waste products, patients can develop symptoms that include a strong desire to consume excessive amounts of sweets. This craving, often accompanied by mood swings, irritability and depression, points to psychosomatic processes in which the body attempts to compensate by feeding the intestines sugar. Lycopodium clavatum eliminates both the physical and psychological basis for this craving.
Mandragora e rad. sicc. 4X addresses digestive upset, disruption of proper stomach and liver function and pancreatic weakness accompanied by strong flatulence (in the case of spastic constipation).
Phosphorus 10X helps treat diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract, ranging from bleeding ulcers (Ulcera ventriculi, Ulcera duodeni) to acute liver dysfunction with accompanying spasms. Depression and other psychosomatic symptoms, as well as painful headaches, are also addressed. In addition, Phosphorus can effectively heal infections found throughout the body, including the eyes, respiratory tract, heart and intestinal tract, as well as treat degenerative changes in the bone structures.
Boldo 1X acts as a powerful stimulant for the gallbladder. This medication promotes stomach secretion and excretion of urea. It also secondarily helps treat dyspepsia and hepatogenic gastritis.
Cynara scolymus 1X primarily treats dyspepsia and hepatogenic gastritis. It is also effective for relieving blockage of the portal vein into the liver, and promotes excretion of toxins that accumulate in the organs and connective tissues from endogenic and exogenic sources. In addition, Cynara scolymus can help resolve acute and chronic infections, swelling of the liver, diabetes, hemorrhoids and digestive difficulties.
Taraxacum 1X cleans the liver and renal system. This bitter-tasting plant also addresses afflictions of the gallbladder, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver to overcome impairment caused by illnesses such as rheumatism or arthritis.
Science and/or the Traditional Use of Formula and Ingredients
Tradtional Homeopathic indications:
Baryta carbonica - 8X - swollen, hardened lymph nodes
Kali iodatum - 4X - chronic gland infections, swollen tonsils
Cistus canadensis - 3X - chronic lymphoma
Conium maculatum - 6X - sluggish lymph nodes
Scrophularia nodosa - 3X - inflamed lymph nodes
Echinacea angustifolia - 1X - immune stimulant
Galium aparine - 1X - hardened lymph nodes
Juglans regia - 1X - treats lymphatics, wet eczema, herpes, impetigo
Baryta carbonica 8X is a classic treatment for swollen, hardened lymph nodes, often found on the sides of the neck in children. Adenoma frequently appear in the breasts of women, which all too quickly leads to a surgical response because the hardening of the lymph is considered to be malignant. This ingredient reliably eliminates both acute and chronic lymphatic conditions.
Kali iodatum 4X is the ideal choice for support of chronic gland infections and swollen tonsils. It also helps resolve hardening of the cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, and helps prevent development of new swollen lymph nodes. In addition, it regulates the connective tissues with iodine.
Cistus canadensis 3X effectively benefits chronic lymphoma and infectious lymphatic conditions, including adenoma. It also helps resolve chronic infections of the skin and intestines.
Conium maculatum 6X is a traditional lymphatic medication that stimulates and activates sluggish lymph nodes. It helps prevent hardening of the lymph glands, and is effective in treating depression, prostatitis, prostata hypertrophy and slowing of the metabolism that accompanies aging and chronic illnesses.
Scrophularia nodosa 3X is useful for benefit of inflamed, infected and swollen lymph nodes. This herb is also indicated for benefit of eczema of the face, loose teeth, bleeding gums and development of goiter.
Echinacea angustifolia 1X functions as a first-class immune stimulant that effectively benefits infections and all septic conditions of the blood. It also stimulates the production of leukocytes, a key component of the body's defensive system in fighting infections. In addition, this well-known plant neutralizes the effects of toxins released from infected tissues.
Galium aparine 1X is indicated for hardening of the lymph nodes. It helps regulate an exhausted metabolism and addresses pathogenic conditions of the bladder, skin and kidneys. This plant has traditionally been used to benefit different forms of cancer, including melanoma.
Juglans regia 1X is classic lymphatic medication that also helps restore liver dysfunction, wet eczema of the skin, herpes and impetigo accompanied by severe itching. It is also helpful in the support of congestive headaches that correlate with intestinal dysfunction.
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The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. If you feel that medical interventions are necessary, please check with your physician.