What are typical dosing recommendations for Avipaxin? Take 1-2 capsules one to two times daily.
Why is Avipaxin utilized in the morning? Acetylcholine support at night can interfere with long-term memory consolidation and can be mildly stimulating. Also, homeostatic cytokine release follows a circadian rhythm with levels increasing throughout the evening and into the night. Although some patients prefer to utilize Avipaxin later in the day, the typical recommendation is for morning and noon dosing.
Is Avipaxin appropriate for persistent immune activation due to autoimmunity? Yes, autoimmunity is frequently characterized by elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Are there any side effects reported with Avipaxin use? Reports from practitioners as well as in-house studies indicate that some individuals will experience brain fog with the first few doses of Avipaxin. This typically occurs in patients with low or low-normal norepinephrine levels. Avipaxin, by supporting the parasympathetic response, can decrease the sympathetic output of norepinephrine. If the norepinephrine level drops below the optimal range, symptoms of low norepinephrine (brain fog, low motivation, headaches, decrease in blood pressure, low mood) can occur. To prevent or correct this, use a norepinephrine supporting product such as Tyrosine Spray, AdreCor, Balance D, or ExcitaPlus in conjunction with Avipaxin for patients presenting with a low or low-normal norepinephrine. Some individuals have also reported mild GI distress after taking the product. This is a transient effect with many individuals seeing resolution of the GI symptoms within the first few doses. A less common side effect is tachycardia.
Are there any contraindications associated with Avipaxin? We do not recommend the product be used with immunosuppressants, HIV medications, or chemotherapy medications. Acetylcholine support can also be contraindicated in patients with asthma or other severe respiratory concerns. Avipaxin works well in concert with most other interventions.
Can Avipaxin be used alone, or do you recommend using it with additional NeuroScience products? Avipaxin can be used alone, or in conjunction with other products. Because the product specifically targets the acetylcholine system, additional products may be necessary to address other neurotransmitter imbalances.
Can/Should Avipaxin and NorLox be used together? Avipaxin primarily targets the pro-inflammatory cytokine aspect of immune modulation, whereas NorLox is focusing on the LOX pathway and the inhibition of pro-inflammatory leukotrienes. It is appropriate, though not necessary, to use these products together in some patients.
What neurotransmitter changes have been seen with Avipaxin use? Study results show a decrease in norepinephrine and a possible decrease in DOPAC. Also, Avipaxin supports the release of serotonin from enterochromaffin cells and supports GABA levels.
How exactly does Avipaxin regulate the immune response? When acetylcholine binds to its receptors expressed on cytokine-producing cells, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines is reduced. Avipaxin increases acetylcholine levels. In addition, the afferent fibers of the vagus nerve utilize acetylcholine to signal the brain that pro-inflammatory cytokines are elevated. Afferent vagal signals result in activation of the HPA axis and release of the anti-inflammatory hormone, cortisol, from the adrenal glands.
How long before results may be seen with Avipaxin? Avipaxin results have been seen in as little as four hours following ingestion.
Is it safe to take Avipaxin while pregnant and/or nursing? Use of amino acids in women who are pregnant or nursing is under the discretion of the consumer and healthcare practitioner. There is no published information regarding the safety or untoward effect of these products or ingredients during pregnancy or while nursing. While the ingredients in the products, as well as the products themselves, have been used successfully during pregnancy and while nursing, this is not proof of their safety.
Can/Should NorLox and Avipaxin be used together? Avipaxin primarily targets the pro-inflammatory cytokine aspect of immune modulation, whereas NorLox is focusing on the LOX pathway and the inhibition of pro-inflammatory leukotrienes. It is appropriate, but not necessary, to use these products together in some patients.
How is Zymenta different from Avipaxin? Avipaxin is a supplement intended to boost the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and has been found to be especially useful for supporting cholinergic regulation of pro-inflammatory activities. In contrast, Zymenta is designed to address the choline deficiencies in individuals with mild cognitive impairment as well as overall brain cell health.